
9:50 p.m.
February 08, 2005

101 things about me

These sorts of lists have been around for years, I've just never done one of my own.

I've actually been working on this for three days, and put a bit of thought into it.

1. I occasionally take part in memes. But usually I don't post them.

2. Online, I have gone by Samurai (and have answered to �Sam� in person), Crazyleo, Juliet, and JennySam.

3. Crazyleo comes from my 8th grade nickname of �Crazy� (my friends were �Insane�, �Nuts�, �Goofy�, �Bananas�� you get the picture), and the first three letters of my maiden name.

4. I�m a Scorpio.

5. I love the number 10. My birth date is full of 10s, in my mind: I was born in 1980, which is a multiple of 10. October is the 10th month, and the day of the month, 28, becomes 2+8=10. My husband�s birthday is on the 10th of July.

6. I�ve had my tongue pierced for four years, minus two weeks.

7. I chickened out the first time I went to get it pierced. What changed my mind and got me to actually get the piercing was that the girl I had a crush on at the time said she would hold my hand while I got it done. (And for once, she did what she said she would do.)

8. I spend way too much time online and playing video games these days. I watch a lot of toons and check my e-mail and friends' journals and diaries constantly.

9. I watch very little TV. Currently, only Lost.

10. I love watching movies, including anime.

11. I liked Pok�mon before it became mainstream here, and my favorite Pok�mon is Eevee.

12. I spend more time watching my fish swim around than watching TV. In spite of the fact that the fish themselves are confined to their tanks, they rule the condo.

13. I have one 30 gallon tank with 2 angelfish, 6 long-fin blue danios, and 1 pictus catfish. I have a 20 gallon tank that currently only contains 2 dwarf puffers.

14. I have an empty 10 gallon tank that I would like to breed danios in. I may also end up raising brine shrimp and snails as food for my fish.

15. I love cats, especially kittens.

16. My husband is allergic to cats and kittens.

17. I dislike most dogs, especially those that drool and lick a lot.

18. I love Hello Kitty, though I think my interest in her is waning somewhat. My upstairs bathroom is packed with Hello Kitty.

19. My husband allows me to dedicate a whole room to Hello Kitty. He really loves me.

20. I love Joseph Michael Linsner�s artwork, and had a picture taken with his arm around me.

21. I have two photographs on display in my house. One is of my husband, the other is of my ex-girlfriend.

22. I love Jewel. She�s been my favorite since I got a copy of her first CD. I have two posters of her and much of her music. I have seen her perform live twice.

23. I love popular music in general. I usually tune out and/or am put to sleep by classical.

24. Right now I�m into Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson. I also like filk and such things.

25. I sing along with the radio, in the shower, and when it�s too quiet.

26. I like girls, and I like math� erm, no, wait, that�s a David Nacin line. David Nacin is hot, and awesome, and gives really good hugs.

27. When I was in the third grade, I was (as far as I know) the only student in the school permitted to borrow two books a week from the library.

28. I still love to read, usually science fiction and fantasy. Piers Anthony and Dean Koontz are my favorite authors.

29. I hate seafood, and most vegetables. My husband puts up with this too.

30. I have a major sweet tooth and a weakness for chocolate. Except for expensive chocolate. Give me a Hershey bar over Godiva any day.

31. I am very self-conscious about my body and my weight.

32. I have loved Hamburger Helper's Tuna Tetrazzini at least since I was six. For some reason, they do not sell this stuff in New Jersey.

33. My mom sent me 10 boxes of said Helper for Christmas.

34. I grew up in Michigan.

35. I have not lived with my parents since I was 17. 14 years of that was in the same house.

36. My parents live on 5 acres of land and raised goats at one time, then got rid of them and got chickens instead. Plus they�ve always had dogs and cats, occasionally birds, and now my dad has lizards.

37. Being the oldest, guess who got to help take care of the animals?

38. Though the one time my mom tried to get me to milk one of the goats, it stepped in the half-full milk bucket, which of course ruined that milk � we all know where the goat�s feet have been. So she dumped the bucket on my head.

39. I have lived with other people's parents four times -- three guys I was in relationships with, and one friend (and her husband) from high school who had a baby, which makes them the baby's parents.

40. I was also sortof a parent to that baby for his first six months. He doesn't know me now.

41. I have one younger brother and two younger sisters.

42. I have one nephew and another on the way.

43. My parents thought I was a bad kid because I got a B in senior-level English when I was a sophomore. And I didn�t keep my room very clean.

44. My parents have since learned that I was a comparably good kid.

45. My siblings and I have all had a lot of negative emotions. They tended to take it out on my parents, other kids, objects, etc. I took it out on myself.

46. I have never been to a therapist, but I have been depressed and suicidal many times.

47. I never attempted suicide because I never had a way that would be have a 100% chance of being successful (or close enough to it, for that matter).

48. I have scars on my left arm that look like bubbles. They are from scissors held by my right hand.

49. I became interested in Sylvia Plath because she killed herself.

50. One of my uncles killed himself when I was 7. It was the only death in my family until I was in college.

51. I have a bachelor�s degree in psychology. Go figure.

52. My parents are atheists. I guess I would label myself agnostic, if I had to choose a label.

53. I can�t remember my parents ever hugging me or telling me that they loved me until I moved out.

54. I dislike politics. Again, if I had to choose a label, I would probably pick independent or democrat.

55. I am into BDSM, though I'm not really active in it right now. I would like to get back into it more, if my husband is okay with it.

56. Someone once told me that I am one of four "true slaves" that person had ever known. I wonder if he still thinks that is true.

57. I can top, if I so choose.

58. I love physical contact, especially cuddling.

59. Until about a year ago, the number of people I had cuddled with was equal to the number of people I had slept with plus 1.

60. Cuddling and such are still very intimate to me and reserved for a select group of people -- usually people I'd *like* to sleep with.

61. No matter how attractive or unattractive a person is, I will not desire them unless I know and like them. There has been one partial exception to this, where emotions were not involved.

62. I am bisexual, but not equally -- I'm more into guys than girls.

63. If people do not know that these are a part of me, I find that I cannot truly be friends with them. I need to be able to trust people with these, and they need to be open-minded enough to accept it.

64. I�ve never been in a 69 with a guy.

65. I�m intimidated by women that I think are too thin or too perfect.

66. I like geeks.

67. I love Final Fantasy games, Blizzard games such as Diablo II and StarCraft, and Sim games.

68. I refuse to play any game that charges a monthly fee.

69. My husband and I have been legally married for over seven months, but emotionally married for much longer.

70. My parents were legally married when my mom was 7 months pregnant with me, and still are. Emotionally, however�.

71. I have never smoked � pot, tobacco, nothing. Not a single puff, unless you count second-hand.

72. I am a social drinker.

73. I have only had enough alcohol that I puked and/or have complete blank spots in my memory on one occasion.

74. I haven�t been to a doctor, other than Planned Parenthood gynecologists and dentists, since I was in tenth grade.

75. I mostly-quit my job. I'm working very part-time on an as-needed basis, doing one particular task.

76. I'm not very ambitious. My dream job would be a housewife and mom.

77. I can't really afford that right now, so I will be getting a closer-to-full-time job soon. But I'm taking a sanity/laziness break for now.

78. I usually can�t pee if someone is watching, or worse, can hear it.

79. I prefer bright lighting when I�m eating and showering.

80. I love cobalt blue glass. I also tend to like purple. I dislike orange, most of the time.

81. I love roller coasters and romance.

82. I often feel cold.

83. I was a Girl Scout for probably four years during elementary and middle school. ]

84. I�ve wrestled with another girl in chocolate pudding, eaten out of a dog dish with my hands cuffed behind my back, and been involved in various other such activities that would shock many people.

85. I clip coupons and often wait for things to go on sale before buying them. Store brands are great.

86. I have issues.

87. I hate and fear crickets.

88. Sometimes I think I *know* things about people, often perfect strangers or people I don�t keep in touch with. Sometimes they�re things about the future, other times just personality characteristics. Of course, because they�re not people I interact with, I never find out if I�m right.

89. I am emotionally thin-skinned. It�s easy to hurt my feelings. I get hurt more than I get angry.

90. I am scared of rage, both in myself and in others.

91. I�ve been to 25 states, plus Canada. Never been off the continent.

92. I would like to visit the rest of the states someday.

93. I have a sewing machine, and can sew a little, but would like to do more.

94. I prefer having the toilet lid down, and insist on having the end of the toilet paper go over the top. Fortunately for me, my husband is indifferent about the former and agrees with me on the latter.

95. I love Legos.

96. The length of my hair used to be an indication of my general self-confidence � I�d cut it short when I was feeling bolder, and let it grow long when I needed to hide behind it.

97. I think I�ve gotten past the reasons that became true (my first kiss was rather traumatizing, sadly), and now it�s short when I feel like it, or I let it grow �cuz I feel like it.

98. Occasionally my speech changes � I�ve picked up bits of various accents from living with various people and in various places, and when I talk to some of them, it comes back.

99. One of the best feeling moments I can remember was being in a house with three of my then-current lovers, and realizing that I�d be perfectly content to talk, snuggle, or have sex with any one of them (or any combination of them, for that matter). I was so happy I wanted to melt into a puddle and never lose that feeling.

100. Sometimes, I�m wrong. Incorrect. Misinformed, misremembering. It happens.

101. MacGyver is my hero/god.

backward :: forward

Observation of the moment: 101 things is quite a lot

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at