
10:39 p.m.
November 27, 2005


Sooo... anyway, I'm gradually getting better. But now John may be getting sick. I feel much better, actually, 'cept for the occasional coughing, intermittant sniffles, etc. Oh, and my voice sounds like crap, and the more I talk, the worse it gets. This is not good for answering/making phone calls at work tomorrow... but there's not a whole lot I can do about that.

I'm not even pretending to be attempting to start cleaning up around here. Maybe I'll start pretending that tomorrow. It's mostly just laundry and dishes, really. Mostly.

Cool thing is, I think I lost a little weight over Thanksgiving. How wild is that? (Not that it'd be the first time for me, though. But I wasn't even trying this time.)

Some people write give long lists/descriptions of what they're thankful for each year. I can do that too, but I can also sum mine up in two words: family, and love.

I mentioned to my mom over the phone that the second Thanksgiving dinner was going to be with "non-biological family". I wonder if she understood that at all.

I do know that this last year has been one of the best years I've ever had. My main measure of such things is people. Job, house, etc., those things do play a factor, and basic needs must be met, of course... but it's people that make the biggest difference, that come to mind. I've got my fabulous husband; we had our first anniversary this year. I have some great friends in Jersey that I met through John and/or others. C, one of the most amazing people I've ever met, of course, is at the top of the list of what changed this year (we met over a year ago, but didn't start to really get to know each other until January), but along with him is a whole new wonderful group of people -- his "family", who I'm getting to know as well. A year infused with good new people.

Happy, lucky girl.

backward :: forward

thoughts of the moment: happy ones

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at