
5:12 p.m.
October 02, 2005

burns and bubbles

Yesterday was the APP "Yard Sale". We were there before 8:30 and wound up staying until almost the very end -- I gave up on going down the last few aisles at 1:50. We spent $60, mostly on books, toys for my nephews, a cookie jar for my mom, and other lovely crap. So great!

There were a few fish tanks for sale, only one of which I considered -- a 20 long complete with stand, heater, filter, gravel, etc., for $20. Didn't buy it, though...

I'd been planning to bring sunblock, but forgot it. My face is now rather painfully burnt.

Laura's birthday was yesterday, also, so we went to celebrate at David's mom's house. It was rather odd there yesterday, and I was tired/fried. We didn't stay as long as we might have.

We saw about 30 cops with their lights on during the drive home. 5 in one place, 4 in another, and a long line of about 20 of them around Newark.

Also, my talent of hurting myself in the most stupid/weird/lame ways has been going strong lately. Ow.

Today was supposed to be shopping, cleaning, and relaxing. Well, the shopping I did, but then I went to the pet store to buy some live worms for the fish and found that they had figure 8 puffers. The last time I'd seen them in the store, I didn't get them and regretted it, so of course I had to get one!

Unfortunately, however, it appears to have a mild case of ich, and puffers are scaleless fish, which means that most fish meds are as toxic to the fish as they are to the illnesses. I was going to put it in the 5 gallon tank, which has plants -- and many meds are toxic to plants as well. So I'm being very careful, wound up setting up an 10 gallon tank to use as a quarantine tank (since, er, the other tank I'd been using for QT is still full of plants and clams).

Also, the filter on the 29 gallon is being wonky, stopped working several times today, so I've been trying to futz with that, wound up changing filters in three tanks, and on, and on...

And now, of course, I'm exhausted again.

backward :: forward

interesting fish of the moment: dolphin fish -- also known as mahi-mahi... there were a few 4" ones at the store

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at