
5:01 p.m.
July 20, 2005

Christmas in July! (*snicker*)

I'm amazed that some of this stuff works, considering how poor shape it appears to be in -- but it's mostly just grody.

So far, on top of the tanks and stands themselves, I've got:

- used gravel, a rather ugly pink and black mix (ugh) and a blue/green/natural mix that I might use
- a bag of miscellaneous plastic plants and a few ceramic decorations
- three siphons, probably garbage -- my original one is better, and now I've got the Python
- three backgrounds of various sizes, two somewhat wrinkled... not sure I'll use these
- four heaters, all of which turn on (hard to tell how strong some of them are, they don't all have wattage labels, and just because the light comes on doesn't mean it's actually heating -- but I didn't want to test them dry)
- four air pumps, all of which turn on and blow air (again, not sure how strong they are, though)
- air stones of various sizes
- six 20" (10 gallon tank size) hood/light combinations -- two fluorescent, four incandescent. Some in one piece, others in two. A few dead incandescent bulbs, but otherwise, all functional.
- one 30" (20 gallon tank size) hood/ flourescent light combination -- so far, this light is the only one that hasn't worked. Could be the fixture, could be the bulb -- and I think it's the same size bulb as what I have on my existing tanks, so I should be able to try a different bulb and find out.
- four apparently complete power filters of all different sizes and brands -- I've only tried turning on one and it was fine. One has a built-in heater, though the whole thing is incredibly bulky.
- some very incomplete filters that are similar to what I've got on one of my tanks, so might be worth keeping for parts (I can get parts to make them complete, but the cost of the parts combined would be more than the cost of buying a new one, if I needed it, which I don't.)
- various filter media, an undergravel filter that I won't use
- two unopened tank dividers -- this is one of the exciting bits. One is sized for a 10 gallon tank, might use that, but the other will fit my 30 gallon perfectly -- so I can put both angels in the same tank without them killing each other, and free up a tank! May even cut holes in it to allow the danios to go back and forth. Woo! (I was planning to somehow make one of these myself, but now I don't have to -- I didn't think the premade ones would fit my tank!)
- various other items, some of which I can't even identify

All in all... holy crap! I made out, big time! A rough estimate, if all this stuff was brand new and perfect (which, granted, it's not, but almost all of it will be good-as-new when cleaned up), is that I got almost $600 worth of stuff. I'm going to have to buy a new bottle of vinegar for cleaning off lime build-up and probably a can of black spray-paint for the stands, but still. Damn!

And, I've definitely got more stuff than I can use for now... a lot of it I may keep for use sometime later (when we have more space to set up tanks), but if anybody wants anything, please let me know!!


C and I were talking about pack-rat tendancies last night. I'd mostly gotten over mine, though they're coming back a little now that I'm not moving at least once a year. But one of my big issues is the inability to turn down a good deal, even if it's something I don't really need (I'm still way better than my mom, but still).

backward :: forward

desire of the moment: to go to the pet store for cost research -- and to see what fish I might get in the future!

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at