
2:04 p.m.
July 20, 2005

MTS, big time!

So I won an auction on Sunday, for less than $17.50, and went to pick up the stuff I won yesterday afternoon.

On Monday, I popped on my local freecycle forum (which I'd stopped visiting because it seemed to be mostly a lot of people just begging for stuff because they didn't want to buy it). But I wound up finding something offered that I wanted, e-mailed the guy to find that nobody else had already claimed it, and went to pick the stuff up yesterday evening.

Today, it's like Christmas, I get to go through the smaller stuff and see what's there, which I'm anxious to get to! I've already poked at the surface of it and found something awesome. Most of the stuff is used and will need some cleaning, other stuff is probably just junk, but that's okay.

And, Saturday, I'd also put in an order online for more stuff, which should be arriving in a few days!

It's taking up quite a bit of space -- see here and here!!

Of the big stuff, we got two stands (in the back on the second pic -- I'm going to paint the white one black), three 10 gallon tanks, and one 15 or 20 gallon tank. At least one of the 10s won't hold water; don't know about the others yet. And there's no way we could actually put fish in all of them as things are now -- we just don't have the space. But I'm happy!

backward :: forward

grr of the moment: boss calling and people outside mowing... not good for sleeping

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at