
6:00 p.m.
July 03, 2005

Wanna see my penis?

Home from the collaring party at C's... that was very much fun. Kinda sad that we all fell asleep on the living room floor at like 12:30 last night, but y'know. It's all good.

I helped clean for much of the afternoon yesterday, helped a little with dinner and clean-up, made some breakfast this morning and did more clean-up -- I did have help with the clean-ups, though, which rocked. This morning, T walks the two girls over to me and tells me to put them to work, so I did. And then someone was poking at the other woman who wasn't cleaning, but she pointed out that the kitchen was rather full -- so I "offered" to let her clean up the table. Muah.

As usual, I wound up laughing my ass off a lot over the course of the visit.

Still wearing the leather wrist cuffs that C put on me this afternoon. Mmmm...

I had forgotten that I suggested that John make dinner today. It was waiting for me when I got home. He could use more practice at that. He rocks, though.

C rocks too. My gawd.

*sighs blissfully*

C wrote, I guess just a few minutes ago, "It's hard to be happier than this without drugs or an outright orgasm, and those don't last."

That expresses my feelings quite well.

backward :: forward

happiness of the moment: many!

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at