
8:44 a.m.
February 04, 2005

fish and work

We have six danios. They move a lot. I try to count them after I've just moved stuff around in the tank, to make sure I didn't trap one somewhere or anything. Most of the time, though, I just assume that there are six.

This morning, there were five. I counted again. Five. A third count. Still five. I scanned the bottom of the tank, but saw no bodies. Finally I reached in to inspect the extra (inoperative) super-cheapo filter that I have sitting in there to cycle -- and sure enough, there was a danio inside. Six!

The puffers are doing better, I think, especially the one that I think of as female. (I think they're still too young to know for sure, though.) The "male" one, though, I'm a bit worried about. I may try to go out and get some snails today, because he may be having problems with his teeth.

Speaking of teeth, my other task for today is to find a dentist. I'm starting to feel my bottom right wisdom tooth, which could be bad.


I worked from 5 to 9 p.m. yesterday. Like, at work, at my old office. Last week I only worked three hours -- this week, I'll get paid for *four* -- wowie!!!

It was... interesting. A guy previously mentioned as GG, the grumpy guy, prefers to come in late and leave late, and did so yesterday. He warned me that I couldn't have John there (John brought me dinner, and then sat there reading a book next to me), because I could be giving out company secrets or something (though he acknowledged that if I were going to steal company secrets and share them with my husband, I would have done it long ago and/or would be able to do so whether John was there in person or not). After that he was nicer, and we complained about the guy upstairs that I really disliked, because he's being a dick to more people than just me. And GG didn't take the crap. Woo!

This guy's gotten to be an even BIGGER jerk now that he's getting more sales than anybody else (he's hogging the two best states, Texas and Florida), so now he thinks he's WAY better than everyone else, instead of just somewhat better than everybody. And because of his sales, management lets him. However, his attitude is pissing more and more people off. So maybe something will be done about it.

Anyway, enough of that. He really does get me riled up...

backward :: forward

Sims 2 oooh of the moment: Making my own skin tones, eyes, clothing, make-up...

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at