
7:58 p.m.
October 12, 2005

Significant Improvement

Work sucked on Monday, and really sucked yesterday.

Today was much, much better. I think the amazing evening with C last night helped.

The drive to work this morning was rough -- hydroplaning down the end of the Parkway bridge toward the tolls NOT fun. I just took it really easy on the way home, though, and was much less stressed by it.

I'm still tired, but *less* tired (after *less* sleep last night) than I was on Monday and Tuesday.

Tonight I am busy, hoping to get a lot of stuff done so I can go to the poly munch tomorrow night and still be ready for Friday. Except that so far I haven't done much that's on my list at all, and there are so many things I was hoping to do that didn't even make it on the list because I know better.

Friday, C and I are not going to work and going to Maryland instead. This weekend is gonna rock!!

backward :: forward

Mmmm of the moment: nano-y goodness, 'cept that really I have too many chores to do...

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at