
12:22 a.m.
August 10, 2005

Wish list

So. Job offer from LD.

The only thing on it that I didn't know was the salary, really. The figure they named, without the possible raises at 3 and 6 months, is ~37% more than I was making when I was working there full-time.

They want me to start August 22... will have to let them know about Dragon Con.

I didn't plan to not-work for this long. Money's been tight, especially with the San Antonio trips and Dragon Con and such. So the thoughts of what I could buy once I start working have been running through my head on and off. I'm not big on having money just to have it, or buying fancy 'spensive stuff... but I can't help but think of some things.

One week's pay would cover Camp next summer. Two weeks (or more, depending on what I would get) could buy me a new computer, though I'm not planning to go for that one for a while. Two-three weeks would cover everything we've bought for the fish in the last year. I'm definitely going to spend a bit on clothes for work, as many of the ones I had been wearing either don't fit anymore or are pretty worn out, and while I'm at it, I'll likely get some new fun stuff as well. It would take several weeks to max out both of our Roth IRAs for the year... Christmas is rapidly approaching, of course... My wish list on Amazon is a mile long... Then there's money to save for next year, Roth IRAs all over again, plus a possible trip to China, Dragon Con again...

I could get a @#$%& gravy boat! Woo!!

(Hey. We've all got our priorities.)

I won't go nuts... but I may get some of those items we've deemed "luxuries" and have been doing without. New movies, hair dye, and the like.

(Oooh, and my existing Roth IRA account has had a 17.3% rate of return! Whoa! ...Though I'm sure that'll go down again soon enough...)

backward :: forward

quote from John of the moment: "ewww, you squirted him out of the butthole"

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at