
1:19 p.m.
August 04, 2005

On a rampage!

Doing a bit of cleaning, and I've found a binder that contains all of my college syllabi, as well as a number of papers and exams.

Hello, memories...

Scary thing is what I *don't* remember, though. I don't remember Managerial Accounting *at all* -- the class, the professor, nothing. The first exam is here, and the material looks vaguely familiar... and I got 100.5% on it, so I understood it then... but I just have *no* memory of this guy.


I'm on a rampage!

A cleaning rampage, that is.

The "dig-deep-into-the-closets-and-rearrange-stuff-or-throw-it-out" sort of cleaning rampage.

John has many boxes of... *stuff*. Papers and crap. Much of which I'm sure could be tossed, scanned, or organized better.

It'll give him something to do this weekend. And then some.

(Hours later)

Anyway, yeah. Did some of my own cleaning, and now I have to clean up the mess I made.

backward :: forward

Ooh of the moment: some of my plants are definitely showing signs of heliotropism, which is good

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at