
1:26 p.m.
June 17, 2005

one of the reasons I haven't gotten a new job

Easy come, easy go. The car I got two days ago (and never got inside, not while I owned it anyway) is now gone.

It makes sense in our world. Really. (It's a tax thing.)

The guy sounded rather like a putz on the phone, but turned out to be fairly cute, too.

Afterwards, Laura and I went to pick up a few things I needed before the trip, and then we went for a little walk around behind her house, talking 90 miles a minute the whole time. This time it was mostly about money, taxes, investing, and the silly way such things work. We also covered martial arts and exercise, sleep, housework (again), sunburns, chocolate, bathing, dreams, and a host of other topics.

I'm babbling a bit because I'm stalling. I have a phone call I should make but don't want to. Yet until I make the call, I'm going to feel guilty for not doing so. So I should probably get it over with.

I really hate calling people I don't know. Especially when I need something from them. Part of the shyness thing. I can't think straight and thus can't talk straight, I stammer and "um" a lot, and generally sound/feel like a moron. It does help if I think through much of what I want to say first, but that only goes so far. My heart is already racing just thinking about it.

I think that's part of my problem -- I think too much about it. It'd probably better if I just *did* it instead of assuring myself of all of the things I could do wrong. It's only a phone call, for cryin' out loud. But this is the kind of call where it's rather important that I *not* sound like a moron. I've gotten better; I can call and make appointments to take my car in, get my teeth worked on, etc... I guess maybe because I had to do those sorts of things almost daily at my previous job, making hotel and limo reservations all the time. Remembering doing that is helping, I think.


Okay, so I now have a job interview thingie at 9:30 next Friday. (I say "interview thingie" because it's with a staffing agency, and there may well be the testing parts like I've done at temp agencies so many times before -- they're not necessarily interviewing for a particular position as finding out what skills people have so they can find out where they'd fit.) And the interview is in Bridgewater, no less, right on 22. I must've driven past the place a few dozen times by now. (The landmarks she gave were the Courier News building and the Honda dealership -- you'll never guess which one of those I remember.)

backward :: forward

amusement of the moment: I futzed with my system sounds... some of the new ones are quite unexpected

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at