
1:32 a.m.
June 08, 2005

the NEW new Sanctuary

I went to the Sanctuary, which is different yet again.

All of the old Sanctuary's furniture that had been transported to Hamilton St. is now gone. They're evidently making a (new?) kitchen in the back room.

There were more people there tonight than any other night since the move. Mostly younger, though.

I managed to find an open chair and sat there reading for quite a while, feeling like I didn't belong, yet that nobody else belonged there either. The room getting warm. Mentally mocking them all. Nobody I knew played for quite a while. Avoiding making eye contact with the chemist guy who always smiles at me, and making sure to make eye contact with the gay guy who now evidently runs the place, and who also seems to smile at me. I wondered how he'd acquired what's left, and what I'd do if I had somehow done so myself. I felt cynical and poetic, but lacked the paper to record anything on. I wondered why I was there. Almost left.

Then it shifted completely -- David got there, and it hit a point where everybody who played was someone I knew and liked. After that, it was good. And they turned on the air conditioning.

Conversation with Vinny that began with, "So last I heard, you were in love with two guys." I liked that conversation. Except that it was one of those conversations where we had to shout because the music was loud, but then the music would stop as we were in the middle of a word, and thus, still shouting. But, it's all good.

I drove home, realizing that I couldn't/didn't need to use my brights at all -- either there were other cars, or there were enough street lights that they wouldn't have done much good. Ahh, Jersey.

David is basically going to give me his old car so I can donate it to charity and get the tax deduction. This should be interesting.

backward :: forward

eyes of the moment: squinty 'n tired

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at