
11:39 p.m.
June 05, 2005

"I hear the secrets that you keep"

I woke C up again by talking in my sleep last night.

The first time, he responded with a "what?" which woke me up, and in that instant I knew what was going on -- that I had been dreaming, talking in my sleep, and I knew what I had been dreaming about. That time, it was that C and I were grocery shopping at 5:30 a.m. and my cell phone rang -- I looked down at the window, and it was Stephan's other girl (who I don't know IRL and had never talked to in the dream either), and she wanted to know something about where the mention of polyamory was in the special features of the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies was, because she wanted to show Stephan and Tara. And I totally knew what she was talking about (because it did exist in the dream and I had seen it), but I couldn't remember which disk or what commentary it was in. I think I was telling her that when C woke me.

Later, I remember waking myself up -- either I had been talking and heard myself, or I was *about* to start talking aloud. I guess being awakened the first time had primed me to watch out for my talking... At the time, I remembered the dream, but I don't now.

Later still, I woke up fully and wanted to know what time it was so I knew whether or not I should go back to sleep. I couldn't see a clock from the floor on that side of the bed, didn't want to wake C by getting up and going around the bed to the clock that I *did* know was there, so I gave up and just went back to sleep until one of the cats woke me.

C said later that he'd heard me a couple of other times, sometimes indistinctly, and couldn't remember what I'd been saying, something about furniture or something... it's worse than a telephone game.

I asked John how often he notices me talking in my sleep. He said it averages about twice a week, which is more than I thought. I don't wake him with it much, but I guess sometimes when he's awake and getting ready for work while I'm still sleeping or something... He said I'd said something rather interesting the other day that was very clear, sounded like I was wide awake. But, he doesn't remember what it was either.

What is it about sleep that keeps things from sticking in our memories?


So tomorrow I'm evidently going fish shopping with Laura and then going to the polyamory support group in the evening; Tuesday, I'm taking my car in for service (which hopefully won't be an all-day thing...); Wednesday is hopefully dinner with C; Thursday, John and I are probably going shopping; Saturday is the next wedding; Sunday is the Voltaire show. Also, I probably have to again work some this week, and some of that may even involve actually going in to the office.

Busy, busy!


I thought I took a lot of pictures in May -- over 500. But it's only June 5th and I've taken over 300 this month.

backward :: forward

Oooof of the moment: I could still use a massage... lotsa sore muscles

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at