
12:24 a.m.
May 29, 2005

this morning

I dreamed last night that my dad was threatening to take my necklace away because I hadn't been doing enough chores or something. I got to work in a hurry.

I woke up feeling very warm, it reminded me of summer. I'd had a decent amount of rest, but wound up falling back to sleep.

I woke up later still feeling very summer-warm. I had an urge to slip out of bed and go play with my Legos. The line, "Why sit still when you've got a swivelchair?" was running through my head over and over.


David's graduation party was pretty lame. The DJ *sucked ass* -- he played crappy music, usually too loud so we couldn't even converse much during dinner, and made stupid comments and sound effects constantly. (When we left, he was reading each of the graduation cards aloud. Ugh.)

backward :: forward

Oooh of the moment: python

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at