
12:59 p.m.
May 23, 2005

Order of Operations

Well, I've definitely gotten less squeamish about some things. I can stick my hand in a box of water filled with live and dead fish, live and dead snails, all of their wastes, and various other funky bacteria and chemicals, without thinking twice about it.

Anal retentive, efficient, or ADHD?

The one thing I really wanted to accomplish today was to go grocery shopping, since I keep putting it off.

But then there was the dead fish, so that meant I had to perform that funeral, and while I was at it, I really should do water changes on all three tanks. I could do it later, but I do usually like to shower *after* being elbow-deep in fish poo, and I need to shower before I can go shopping.

But before I can do the water changes, I had to wash the dishes, because I *do* think twice about pouring dirty fish water over my dirty dishes -- yes, I know they're going to be washed, but still.

So I do the dishes. Then I notice that the camera battery John had left charging has completed its charge, which reminds me that I should charge mine. But before I do that, I should upload yesterday's 201 photos, because, um, I want to, and I still feel like I ought to drain the battery more fully before charging.

Of course, uploading the pictures leads to looking at them all, deleting a few, and editing a few of the almost-neat ones. After all, I do need to have a CD burned of them by dinner-time tomorrow, it's on the to-do list...

Eventually I stop doing that, because it's too much like fun -- there are other things I ought to be doing.

And of course, while I'm doing the water change, I've got to "fish" out some of the baby snails in the top tank -- without any snail predators in there, I easily counted 20 baby snails yesterday -- and I know how much waste 6 adult snails can produce in no time flat, 20+ babies is likely more.

I soooo want a python. Especially if I get any more tanks!

So now it's after 1:00... I still have to shower and go shopping, but before I go shopping, I definitely have to eat lunch, and of course I do need to figure out a more specific menu for tomorrow night, since C's probably eating here, and there's lots of cleaning I should be getting to as well, I'm trying to vacuum more and such...

All this "doing nothing" is keeping me pretty busy.

backward :: forward

Oh yeah of the moment: Happy birthday, Jewel!!

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at