
9:24 a.m.
May 16, 2005

lovely start to the day

I dreamed about my poor fish.

Then I dreamed about being back in college, missing some of my classes because they were too early, and then it turned out that I was scheduled for one or two more that I didn't even know about, but I wanted to go to the Sanctuary instead.

John had kids that we had to take care of, the scheduling of which was very screwy because I was taking care of them between classes, but someone had to come while I was in class or something...

I went to try to talk to one of the professors whose classes I had been missing, and I bumped into Julie's bf C and some of his cronies (wtf they were doing at a university beats me -- I don't even know if he's graduated high school). In the dream, C had gotten into the habit of bullying me by touching me -- sometimes my breast, sometimes just my arm or something, knowing it was unwelcome and doing it to show me how powerless I was to stop him -- I'd ask him to stop, and he'd say he would, but keep on doing it. Finally I threw a very ineffective punch at him, and, realizing my foolishness, immediately took off running, looking for help, and they chased.

The building was pretty much deserted -- I managed to push a few of his friends down some stairs, but more kept joining them. Finally I ran into a room labeled "Game Room", and it turned out there was a cop standing in the room, watching TV or something. I started screaming at him to help me, and he rolled his eyes and reluctantly pulled himself away from the TV, half-heartedly chasing the guys out of the room and down the hall.

There were only a couple of other people in the room, both older men. One of them ignored me completely, and the other offered to comfort me by putting an arm around me. I *did not* want to be touched, especially by some stranger. I woke up around then, drifted back to sleep, and woke up whimpering when John hugged me goodbye.

Some of these themes have been pretty common in such nightmares over the years -- being chased and/or made to feel helpless, and being unable to get supposed authority figures to help or even notice me.

backward :: forward

Ooh of the moment: opened windows to keep it cool in here

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at