
12:27 a.m.
March 28, 2005

Easter with new friends

I wasn't even going to bother to turn on the computer, but we decided to see if the fish will wake up so we can feed them for the first time since Friday.

Happy Easter!

It's been a lovely weekend at M&D's.

Much snuggling, lounging, sleeping, laughing, cooking, cleaning, eating, drinking, petting, massaging, communicating. To name a few.

The very energetic two-year-old is warming up to us, the first new people he's gotten to know since he was old enough to get to know people.

The cats were not shy, and didn't seem to trigger John's allergies much.

The air mattress was fine for two, but deflated under three, sadly. "An air mattress that can't hold three isn't worth having." But it was fabulous to even make the attempt.

Between the air mattress, the unfamiliar place, daylight, the cats meowing, and the child calling (he wakes up regularly at 6:30 a.m.), I slept, but usually only a few minutes to three hours at a time.

Paul has freckles on his eyelids.

Evidently I talked a lot in my sleep.

Yummy people.

backward :: forward

Yay of the moment: lunch time isn't that far away!

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at