
12:13 a.m.
March 21, 2005

fake vacations can work

I'm being scouted by Japanese staffing places now, 'cuz of my name. But anyway.

We went to John's mom's empty house after I got back from the oral surgeon yesterday. (It feels like more time has passed than just one day.) It was very relaxing and laid back and nice (going to MIL's house, not the oral surgeon consultation).

We've finally got our pictures for our wedding album narrowed down enough.

We watched movies and slept a lot. Went out to dinner today and then went to B&N. Yummy stuff.

I had a dream about cleaning an aquarium, and so I decided to put the decorations in the dishwasher to clean them -- including the gravel, which was M&Ms that I wanted to eat after I cleaned them.

Silly girl. M&Ms do not go in the dishwasher.

Anyway, so one of the first things I noticed when we got home IRL was that the plastic bubble-clam was much, much cleaner. And it hadn't been put in the dishwasher. So it must have been Mr. Estupido Fish, as he's currently known ("it's a *Chinese* algae eater, why does it have a Spanish name?" "Well, then, you're Chinese, *you* come up with a Chinese name!"). Woo!

backward :: forward

Yay of the moment: d-land is back, even if still wonky!!

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at