
11:36 p.m.
February 17, 2005

the other world

It's rather sad that I'm starting to forget what things I've posted in what journals. *goes to read her own stuff*


Anyway, tonight was the munch. I went by myself. I spent some time talking to someone who'd known about and been into the scene for years, but he'd never been to a play party, munch, or other public BDSM-related gathering. (He'd also never heard of polyamory, and thought that I was C's wife.)

But I spent most of the time focused on C. -- a lot of just looking at him (and wondering a lot what he was thinking, especially when he'd get that smile like he'd just thought of something amusing, but didn't say it, and I didn't ask). Talking. And sitting there with my eyes closed, feeling his hand on my neck or playing with my hair.

He touched a particular button more than once, leaving me close to gasping.

And, tomorrow is the Overnight. And he'll be there. And there will be play parties, and C's bringing his toy bag.

backward :: forward

quote of the moment: "he made me feel excited, well, excited and scared" (Into the Woods)

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at