
12:35 a.m.
February 02, 2005

where the dead Chinese are buried

It's one of those nights where... well, it's not that I *can't* sleep -- if I were to crawl in bed, I'd be asleep very soon -- but I don't feel like going to bed just yet.

Tonight was Open Mic Night at the Sanctuary once again. It started off slow, but ended up being an enjoyable night. Several times, certain audience members started "dancing" during performances, which was greatly entertaining. I had a short, well, I guess it was a conversation, with the guy who acts like he's never seen breasts before, which ended with his "I think I may need to get my inhaler again" -- in reference to what I was wearing.

And Paul came, which was a pleasant surprise.

The highlight of the night, for me, by far, was resting against Paul while David rested against me. (More public places should have couches.)

I did feel the urge to do one or two things that probably would have been classified as "drama" toward the very end. I'm trying to avoid those. So I didn't do them. Which is a large part of the reason I'm writing -- doing this instead.


The problem with being infatuated/in love with an oblivious-type person is that I'm so uncertain of a lot of major things. Is he choosing not to acknowledge certain things? Does he think that he *is* acknowledging them while I do not? Or... is he just oblivious, and really have no clue?


My calendar for the next few weeks is getting rather full. I have as many as three things this weekend (Friday night, maybe Saturday, and maybe Sunday), and a party next weekend, and then of course the weekend after that is the Overnight.


Being sandwiched between David and Paul did NOT help to alleviate my sexual frustrations, which have been very high lately.

And both of them being rather depressed lately is not helping my emotional frustrations.

backward :: forward

Mood of the moment: quietly frustrated

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at