
3:12 a.m.
June 13, 2005

when you're evil

Alright, well, now that I'm up and at the computer...

The Voltaire thing went well. I wasn't too thrilled with him personally at first, though. He wasn't mean, or impolite, just... not very appreciative, I guess? A little condescending, maybe.

Anyway, there were a lot of people at the show that I knew -- it was like a mini-Overnight or something, some people that I only see at Jeff events were there, and some people I totally didn't expect to see.

All of my favorite people in the world were there, which is always lovely -- John, C, D&L, and Paul. Yum.

Before the show, some of us were outside chatting, and at one point, I was the only one dressed up (all black, some eye make-up, my (or is it really John's?) Hot Topic poser collar) and this guy walks by and looks at me and gives me a kind of "hey, baby" look. Not really creepy, just interested.

I'm *totally* not used to that kind of look, especially from strangers on the street. Heck, I'm not used to guys even making eye contact. Though perhaps that's mostly because I tend to avoid it...

Ooh, and I think my "bondage sandals" are going to get *their* own fan club as well. Got lots of compliments on those. I've had them since Oliver, though, and they're starting to show their age...

Oooh, and there was a girl who had my tattoo!! The one I don't have but always wanted to get!!! She let me take pictures of it.

It's much easier to talk to random people at places like this. Much more of my kind of people.

There was also a guy at the show who gave me the creeps. Paul's ex actually was hiding from him when I first saw her, and Laura has evidently been creeped out by this guy on multiple occasions. It's rather surprising that I'd not seen him before.

It's not like he did anything, just looked.

But, well, a look can be a lot.

After Voltaire's performance, D&L, C, Voltaire and his lovely girlfriend, and I all went to eat a diner. Or eat at a diner.

That was pretty cool, at any rate.

I was very sleepy on the ride back into the City, and back out. Getting sleepy again now.

I'm going to have Voltaire music running through my head for a while now.

I get to see C again tomorrow. This is a goodness. Yes, I'm spoiled.

Good night, demon slayer, good night.

backward :: forward

quote I had to write down of the moment: "there is a time and place for anal rape" -- Voltaire

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at