
11:18 p.m.
May 02, 2005

like you were dying

There've just been too many funny things said lately, some as they are, others hilarious when taken out of context.

My mind has been pretty dirty lately.

Today's C's birthday. I made cupcakes (which I was rather disappointed in... I think I need a new chocolate cake recipe or something...) and surprised him with them at the polyamory support group. I have more for him, but that'll be for Wednesday, when I'm spending a night at his house.

I got to hang out with lots of cool people today. John and I had dinner with M and her bf before the support group, and Paul stopped over here for a bit afterwards. Cool people make me happy.


Tim McGraw's Live Like You Were Dying came on the radio today (which is odd, because very little country gets played around here), and I sat and listened to it, and it prompted me to think of what I'd do differently if I thought I was going to die soon or something.

Realistically, I might just sit and cry for weeks/months, but beyond that... what would I *want* to do differently?

I couldn't think of a heck of a lot. Tell a few people that I care about them more openly. With those I do tell how I feel about them, I might say it even more than I do. Spend less time at the computer, worry less about cleaning. Insist on actually making a trip to MA, instead of always thinking about it but never doing it. Come out to a few people about poly and BDSM.

Okay, thinking about dying isn't very happy-making, so I'll stop. My point was that there's really not much I'd want to change about my life right now. It's amazingly incredible already.

And when I say "amazingly incredible", I mean, if this isn't the happiest I've been in my "adult" life (whenever one would say that started), it's pretty damn close.

backward :: forward

Yum of the moment: some new beverage favorites

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at