
10:01 p.m.
April 22, 2005

It's still not really sorted out, but it'll work itself out somehow

So, given the way things were going today, I suppose it might've not been too smart to attempt to put up our lovely new clock.

But we did, and everything went fine, and now it plays its tune every hour. (:


Tomorrow is partly sorted out: We wound up with four any-time tickets to the Dal� exhibit, but it's sold out so we couldn't get more. So John, M&D, and Paul are going to Philly, and I'm not (and John's not doing the reality show thing because their third person for the team changed his mind and they couldn't find anyone to replace him). But that's okay, because C's play party is tomorrow, and I'm heading over there at 3 to help clean/set up/whatever is needed. We haven't worked out what's happening for dinner, but M&D are planning to go to C's party later, so we'll all meet up somewhere, either elsewhere for dinner, or at the party, or something...



Me, in frustration to a lid I'm having trouble removing: Get OFF!
John: You sound like a teenage guy talking to a girl's bra.

backward :: forward

sound of the moment: the clock

Hot dicking!
I lost a day or two

past :: present :: profile :: song
rings :: notes :: diaryland

past :: present
rings :: profile
song :: notes

The current mood of crazyleo at